Now open the browser and type http://localhost/phpinfo.php and you should see the PHP Version and other details about your PHP Installation. Enjoy :) 3. Now to manage MySQL, there is a cool tool called phpMyAdmin which can be downloaded from this link. You need to extract this in a folder. For me it is C:/phpMyAdmin.Now you need to do certain tweaks to make it work.Create a file inside the C:/phpMyAdmin and type the following: Save the file. Now open the C:/WINDOWS/php.ini file and search for
"extension_dir ". Replace the line with: extension_dir = "C:/PHP/ext/" Also uncomment the line saying extension=php_mysql.dll in the C:/WINDOWS/php.ini . Now save the C:/WINDOWS/php.ini file. You need to give 'web share' access to C:/phpMyAdmin directory by opening it in explorer and right-click on the C:/phpMyAdmin directory and go to 'properties' now in the pop-up window go to 'web-sharing' tab and select the share-this-folder radio button and this will pop-up (I know it is windows and this sounds like pop-up-video of VH1). Write phpMyAdmin in the ALIAS Text Box of pop-up and select on WRITE and SCRIPT SOURCE ACCESS box. In APPLICATION PERMISSION choose SCRIPTS radio button. To test phpMyAdmin open http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.php in browser and you should see "localhost phpMyAdmin -". You are done with this now :) 4. For PERL. you need anyways, so click and download it first. Install this in C:/PERL directory then use the instruction at . To test the PERL - CGI installation, create a file called inside the directory C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin and type: #!/usr/bin/perl $time=time; $len=80; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; @base=qw/A T G C/; print ">Seq$time $len random bases\n"; while($c<$len){ $c++; print "@base[int(rand(4))]"; } Now save the in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin. Open the link http://localhost/cgi-bin/ in browser, this should generate a random DNA Fasta file of 80 bases.In the next tutorial I will lead you into creating a bioinformatics database of sequences and then using it to align using muscle and store back in MySQL db... till then bye!