Friday, December 29, 2006

Code to get GenBank file using Bioperl

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # Modified by using # "How to retrieve GenBank entries over the Web" # by Jason Stajich # Downloads E. dispar WGS sequence from
# AANV01000001:AANV01018095 # and invadens: AANW01000001:AANW01015173 # Just for Info:
# Histolytica: AAFB01000001:AAFB01001819 # Avoiding get_Stream_by_batch so that
# individual file can be written use Bio::DB::GenBank; use Bio::SeqIO; use strict; #for dispar getGB(1,18095,"AANV010"); #for invadens getGB(1,15173,"AANW010"); sub getGB{ my $start=shift; my $end=shift; my $common=shift;
for(my $c=start;$c<=$end;$c++){
$c=sprintf('%05d', $c); my $accession_no=$common.$c; my $fname=$accession_no.".gbk"; print "Writing $fname\t"; my $seqout = new Bio::SeqIO( -file => ">$fname", -format=>'GenBank');
my $getseq = new Bio::DB::GenBank;
my $seq = $getseq->get_Seq_by_acc($accession_no);
} }